Friday, October 21, 2011

About #OWS

What is being overlooked.
Being in the computer industry for the majority of my life, I have grown the ability to notice changes when or even before they happen. Those changes whether good or bad seem easy to identify by me.  I would even fare to guess that the ability I speak of has garnished my modest career that I partake in now.
                The number one thing I see in the #OWS movement is statements such as “I paid more taxes than GE last year”.  I am not attacking that front, I know that I can throw some numbers out, and I will simply be called a liar. #OWS can easily post dribble from supporting websites showing how the lowest earners pay the most in taxes. That is not what my position is about.
My position falls in the spectrum of raising minimum wages. While most of you think it sounds like a great idea you fail to recognize that everytime minimum wage is raised a nickel your #2 meal from your favorite fast food joint is raised by a dime. Then finding this out, your first response is to raise minimum wages again so that you can stuff a big #2 in your face.
                Outsourcing has been a major thing in not just my industry but the US economy for years now. I hear lots of people complain that they no longer have their jobs because it was sent “overseas”, and for good reason. People need to realize we no longer live in a local economy. This is a global economy. If a like product can be produced overseas for less money, it doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to figure out that is the better bang for the buck.
                Believe it or not large corporations are ran by people like me and dare I say you. I am not sitting here with a trenchcoat and tophat trying to figure out how to screw the economy up more, and neither are they. The fact is people in executive power of large corporations have the same jobs as us. Make the business run better using less money. It’s the standard business motto of any successful business. But, since we now live in a global economy there are more options, same as outsourcing. Per the complaints of many of the “tax big business” pushers I have come into contact with the argument is the same:  Large companies have found that bringing money in overseas is a lesser tax burden.  While you say shame on them, I say shame on US.  While you say they need to be taxed higher, I see more companies moving the majority of their companies out of the US to these lower taxed countries, and btw there are lots of lower tax countries willing to take our business. What happens if large corporations move out of the US? Well I think that is the straw that breaks this economy’s back.
                While I support the fact that our economy needs a drastic change I believe the #OWS movement is heading us in the wrong direction. #OWS is looking for a fix today, without a care about the implications it may have in the future. Knee Jerk/Simple answers like #OWS are looking for is exactly what got us into this mess. Its always easy to say “take more money from people”. But in reality that is only a bandaid. This Nation is bleeding.  I believe that the correct answers are not the easy ones, and we have a lot of difficult decisions to make to save this nation.
I am NOT the 99% I am NOT the 1%
I am a Hard Working American AKA a 0%’er
 My words are clear and concise I will have no-one stand in my behalf.